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A Princess of Mars


A Princess of Mars _ Originally titled “Under the Moons of Mars” _ First entry in Burroughs’ epic Martian series and the first to feature the character of John Carter _ Published in 1912 _ Plus: Biography of E.R. Burroughs and Note.


John Carter is transported to a Mars inhabited by strange civilizations like the beautiful Princess Dejah Thoris of Helium. He embarks on various adventures in his quest for home and begins to become a hero to its people.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-9582980-8-1 _ English Version _ ePub _ 67,187 words (4 hours 5 minutes) – 396 pages _ 19/05/2022.

A Princess of Mars


A Princess of Mars _ Originally titled “Under the Moons of Mars” _ First entry in Burroughs’ epic Martian series and the first to feature the character of John Carter _ Published in 1912 _ Plus: Biography of E.R. Burroughs and Note.


John Carter is transported to a Mars inhabited by strange civilizations like the beautiful Princess Dejah Thoris of Helium. He embarks on various adventures in his quest for home and begins to become a hero to its people.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-9582980-8-1 _ English Version _ ePub _ 67,187 words (4 hours 5 minutes) – 396 pages _ 19/05/2022.

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