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A Voyage to Arcturus


A VOYAGE TO ARCTURUS _ Originally published in 1920 _ Plus: Biography of David Lindsay.


Maskull agrees to go to a different world through lands representing different philosophies and ways of life as he searches for the world deity, Surtur. Or is it Crystalman?


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-118-2 _ English Version _ ePub _ 94,146 words (5 hours 43 minutes) – 548 pages _ 23/05/2022.

A Voyage to Arcturus


A VOYAGE TO ARCTURUS _ Originally published in 1920 _ Plus: Biography of David Lindsay.


Maskull agrees to go to a different world through lands representing different philosophies and ways of life as he searches for the world deity, Surtur. Or is it Crystalman?


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-118-2 _ English Version _ ePub _ 94,146 words (5 hours 43 minutes) – 548 pages _ 23/05/2022.

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