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Fathers and Children


Fathers and Children _ Written in 1862 _ Also called: Fathers and Sons _ Translated by Constance Garnett _ Plus: Biography of IVAN TURGENEV


The novel is the story of Arkady, a university graduate, returns from St. Petersburg to his father’s estate with his mentor Bazarov, a nihilist. The conflict is guaranteed between the two generations : the “fathers,” the liberal serf owners, and the “children,” nihilists who reject their authority and traditions.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-011-6 _ English Version _ ePub _ 76,020 words (4 hours 37 minutes) – 462 pages _ 17/05/2022.


Fathers and Children


Fathers and Children _ Written in 1862 _ Also called: Fathers and Sons _ Translated by Constance Garnett _ Plus: Biography of IVAN TURGENEV


The novel is the story of Arkady, a university graduate, returns from St. Petersburg to his father’s estate with his mentor Bazarov, a nihilist. The conflict is guaranteed between the two generations : the “fathers,” the liberal serf owners, and the “children,” nihilists who reject their authority and traditions.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-011-6 _ English Version _ ePub _ 76,020 words (4 hours 37 minutes) – 462 pages _ 17/05/2022.


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