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File n° 113


File N°113 _ Monsieur Lecoq Series _ Translated by James R Osgood & Co _ Plus: Biography of Emile Gaboriau – Originally published in 1867.


It all started when a bank safe is robbed. Only two men have both the key and the combination to the safe. The police naturally look to the employee rather than the owner of the bank. But Monsieur Lecoq, as always, sees what everyone else misses. Was it one of the two? Or was it a seemingly-impossible third party? Only Lecoq will be able to determine it. But why does he want so much discretion in this case?


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-049-9 _ English Version _ ePub _ 146,394 words (8 hours 53 minutes) – 843 pages _ 18/05/2022.

File n° 113


File N°113 _ Monsieur Lecoq Series _ Translated by James R Osgood & Co _ Plus: Biography of Emile Gaboriau – Originally published in 1867.


It all started when a bank safe is robbed. Only two men have both the key and the combination to the safe. The police naturally look to the employee rather than the owner of the bank. But Monsieur Lecoq, as always, sees what everyone else misses. Was it one of the two? Or was it a seemingly-impossible third party? Only Lecoq will be able to determine it. But why does he want so much discretion in this case?


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-049-9 _ English Version _ ePub _ 146,394 words (8 hours 53 minutes) – 843 pages _ 18/05/2022.

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