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Hadji Murad


Hadji Murád, a fascinating piece of historical fiction _ Published posthumously in 1912 and translated by Aylmer Maude _ Plus : Biography of L. Tolstoy.


Murád is fleeing Shamil, a powerful imam who has captured Murád’s family. Murád finds himself thrust between the invading Russians on one side, and Shamil’s vengeance on the other.

Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-014-7 _ English Version _ ePub _ 48,781 words (2 hours 58 minutes) – 287 pages _ 18/05/2022.

Hadji Murad


Hadji Murád, a fascinating piece of historical fiction _ Published posthumously in 1912 and translated by Aylmer Maude _ Plus : Biography of L. Tolstoy.


Murád is fleeing Shamil, a powerful imam who has captured Murád’s family. Murád finds himself thrust between the invading Russians on one side, and Shamil’s vengeance on the other.

Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-014-7 _ English Version _ ePub _ 48,781 words (2 hours 58 minutes) – 287 pages _ 18/05/2022.

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