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Ivanhoe – Originally published in _ Part of Waverly Novels series ( 10) _ Plus: Biography of Walter Scott.

In the 12th century, Prince John took advantage of the absence of his brother and king, Richard, who was on crusades to claim the reign of England and abuse power over the Saxons and dispossess them of their lands. At this time, Ivanhoe, disavowed by his Saxon father for having fought alongside the Norman king Richard, returns from the crusades in disguise and appears in a tournament in Ashby. King Richard, barely back from the Crusades, will have to thwart Prince John’s plot against him. …

Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-094-9 _ English Version _ ePub _ 185,736 words (11 hours 16 minutes) – 1114 pages _ 20/05/2022.




Ivanhoe – Originally published in _ Part of Waverly Novels series ( 10) _ Plus: Biography of Walter Scott.

In the 12th century, Prince John took advantage of the absence of his brother and king, Richard, who was on crusades to claim the reign of England and abuse power over the Saxons and dispossess them of their lands. At this time, Ivanhoe, disavowed by his Saxon father for having fought alongside the Norman king Richard, returns from the crusades in disguise and appears in a tournament in Ashby. King Richard, barely back from the Crusades, will have to thwart Prince John’s plot against him. …

Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-094-9 _ English Version _ ePub _ 185,736 words (11 hours 16 minutes) – 1114 pages _ 20/05/2022.


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