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3,04 €
Originally published in 1898 _ Plus: Biography of John Meade Falkner.
In the small village of Moonfleet, the ghost of the famous Colonel John “Blackbeard” Mohune wanders at night in search of the diamond he allegedly stole and hid. One stormy evening John Trenchard, an orphan who lives with his aunt, hears strange sounds coming from the crypt below, a smuggler’s hideout. There he discovers a medallion of Blackbeard which contains a code revealing the location of the famous diamond and the trouble begins…
Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-079-6 _ English Version _ ePub _ 83,724 words (5 hours 5 minutes) – 443 pages _ 20/05/2022.
3,04 €
Originally published in 1898 _ Plus: Biography of John Meade Falkner.
In the small village of Moonfleet, the ghost of the famous Colonel John “Blackbeard” Mohune wanders at night in search of the diamond he allegedly stole and hid. One stormy evening John Trenchard, an orphan who lives with his aunt, hears strange sounds coming from the crypt below, a smuggler’s hideout. There he discovers a medallion of Blackbeard which contains a code revealing the location of the famous diamond and the trouble begins…
Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-079-6 _ English Version _ ePub _ 83,724 words (5 hours 5 minutes) – 443 pages _ 20/05/2022.
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