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Notre Dame de Paris


Notre Dame De Paris _ Originally published in mars 1831 _ Plus: Biography of Victor Hugo.


The story tells the secret love of Quasimodo for the beautiful Esmeralda, the bohemian girl; but she loves Phoebus, the fiance of Fleur-de-Lys. Frollo, the priest of Notre-Dame cathedral, feels uncontrolled and violent desires for Esmeralda: jealous, he steals Phoebus. The actions of the archdeacon, who cannot control his lust for the young woman, ultimately draws all four men into her orbit, and his, with tragic consequences.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-045-1 _ English Version _ ePub _ 184,009 words (11 hours 10 minutes) – 1071 pages _ 18/05/2022.

Notre Dame de Paris


Notre Dame De Paris _ Originally published in mars 1831 _ Plus: Biography of Victor Hugo.


The story tells the secret love of Quasimodo for the beautiful Esmeralda, the bohemian girl; but she loves Phoebus, the fiance of Fleur-de-Lys. Frollo, the priest of Notre-Dame cathedral, feels uncontrolled and violent desires for Esmeralda: jealous, he steals Phoebus. The actions of the archdeacon, who cannot control his lust for the young woman, ultimately draws all four men into her orbit, and his, with tragic consequences.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-045-1 _ English Version _ ePub _ 184,009 words (11 hours 10 minutes) – 1071 pages _ 18/05/2022.

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