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Pollyanna Grows Up


Pollyanna Grows Up _ Published in 1915 _ Plus Biography of Eleanor H. Porter.


The game becomes much more difficult, the circumstances have changed for Pollyanna and her aunt. But 20-year-old Pollyanna plays her “happy game” and subconsciously changes everyone around her. And returned to Boston for the winter with a depressed young woman. Pollyanna is still revolutionizing the house and the neighborhood.

Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-018-5 _ English Version _ ePub _ 76,977 words (4 hours 40 minutes) – 440 pages _ 18/05/2022.

Pollyanna Grows Up


Pollyanna Grows Up _ Published in 1915 _ Plus Biography of Eleanor H. Porter.


The game becomes much more difficult, the circumstances have changed for Pollyanna and her aunt. But 20-year-old Pollyanna plays her “happy game” and subconsciously changes everyone around her. And returned to Boston for the winter with a depressed young woman. Pollyanna is still revolutionizing the house and the neighborhood.

Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-018-5 _ English Version _ ePub _ 76,977 words (4 hours 40 minutes) – 440 pages _ 18/05/2022.

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