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Pygmalion _  5-act play _ Written in 1912 _ Plus: Biography of George Bernard Shaw


Pygmalion tells us the bet of the Professor Henry Higgins with his colleague over whether he can transform a low-class flower girl, Liza Doolittle, into the equivalent of a Duchess in just 6 months. …


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-072-7 _ English Version _ ePub _ 34,765 words (2 hours 7 minutes)- 194 pages _ 19/05/2022.



Pygmalion _  5-act play _ Written in 1912 _ Plus: Biography of George Bernard Shaw


Pygmalion tells us the bet of the Professor Henry Higgins with his colleague over whether he can transform a low-class flower girl, Liza Doolittle, into the equivalent of a Duchess in just 6 months. …


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-072-7 _ English Version _ ePub _ 34,765 words (2 hours 7 minutes)- 194 pages _ 19/05/2022.

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