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South! _ Originally published in 1919 _ Plus: Biography of Ernest Shackleton.


Under the leadership of Sir Ernest Shackleton, the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition set out in 1914 to attempt to cross the Antarctic continent. The feat was to be accomplished in two stages: a party sailing the Endurance in the Weddell Sea, which was to attempt the actual crossing; and another party aboard the Aurora, under the direction of Aeneas Mackintosh, sailing in the Ross Sea across the continent and charged with establishing depots of stores as far south as possible at the use of the part attempting the crossing. Subjected to the harsh environmental conditions, Endurance was trapped in pack ice in the Weddell Sea and the ship was eventually crushed by the pressure of the ice, leaving Shackleton’s men stranded on the pack ice, far from dry land.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-083-3_ English Version _ ePub _ 147,024 words (8 hours 55 minutes) – 825 pages _ 20/05/2022.



South! _ Originally published in 1919 _ Plus: Biography of Ernest Shackleton.


Under the leadership of Sir Ernest Shackleton, the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition set out in 1914 to attempt to cross the Antarctic continent. The feat was to be accomplished in two stages: a party sailing the Endurance in the Weddell Sea, which was to attempt the actual crossing; and another party aboard the Aurora, under the direction of Aeneas Mackintosh, sailing in the Ross Sea across the continent and charged with establishing depots of stores as far south as possible at the use of the part attempting the crossing. Subjected to the harsh environmental conditions, Endurance was trapped in pack ice in the Weddell Sea and the ship was eventually crushed by the pressure of the ice, leaving Shackleton’s men stranded on the pack ice, far from dry land.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-083-3_ English Version _ ePub _ 147,024 words (8 hours 55 minutes) – 825 pages _ 20/05/2022.

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