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Sunshine sketches of a little town


Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town _ Written in 1912 _ Plus: Biography of Stephen Leacock.


The novel tells series of funny and satirical anecdotes that illustrate the inner workings of life in Mariposa, a fictional town, from business to politics to steamboat disasters. The town is populated by many archetypal characters including the shrewd businessman Mr. Smith, the lovelorn bank teller Mr. Pupkin, and the mathematically challenged Rev. Mr. Drone.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-041-3 _ English Version _ ePub _ 61,308 words (3 hours 43 minutes) – 335 pages _ 18/05/2022.


Sunshine sketches of a little town


Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town _ Written in 1912 _ Plus: Biography of Stephen Leacock.


The novel tells series of funny and satirical anecdotes that illustrate the inner workings of life in Mariposa, a fictional town, from business to politics to steamboat disasters. The town is populated by many archetypal characters including the shrewd businessman Mr. Smith, the lovelorn bank teller Mr. Pupkin, and the mathematically challenged Rev. Mr. Drone.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-041-3 _ English Version _ ePub _ 61,308 words (3 hours 43 minutes) – 335 pages _ 18/05/2022.


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