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The house on the borderland


The House on The Borderland _ Originally published in 1908 _ Plus: Biography of William Hope Hodgson.


A manuscript that was mysteriously discovered, telling the tale of two fishermen who themselves discovered a manuscript account of the cosmic haunting of the distant home of a recluse who is transported to a mysterious supra-universal plane. In this plane live monsters and elder gods.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-130-4 _ English Version _ ePub _ 51,021 words (3 hours 6 minutes) – 304 pages _ 23/05/2022.

The house on the borderland


The House on The Borderland _ Originally published in 1908 _ Plus: Biography of William Hope Hodgson.


A manuscript that was mysteriously discovered, telling the tale of two fishermen who themselves discovered a manuscript account of the cosmic haunting of the distant home of a recluse who is transported to a mysterious supra-universal plane. In this plane live monsters and elder gods.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-130-4 _ English Version _ ePub _ 51,021 words (3 hours 6 minutes) – 304 pages _ 23/05/2022.

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