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The Moonstone


The Moonstone _ Originally published in 1868 _ Plus: Biography of Wilkie Collins.

A large imperfect diamond, looted in India at the time of the mutiny by an unscrupulous British officer, it will be bequeathed by him to his niece, Rachel Verrinder. Legend has it that there would be a curse on this diamond, once taken from a statue of the god of the moon adored by a Hindu cult, long sought after by a group of Brahmins determined to return it to their temple.

The diamond mysteriously disappears from Rachel’s bedroom. And the suspicions begin… What secret hangs over this diamond?

Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-114-4 _ English Version _ ePub _ 198,527 words (12 hours 2 minutes) – 1089 pages _ 23/05/2022.

The Moonstone


The Moonstone _ Originally published in 1868 _ Plus: Biography of Wilkie Collins.

A large imperfect diamond, looted in India at the time of the mutiny by an unscrupulous British officer, it will be bequeathed by him to his niece, Rachel Verrinder. Legend has it that there would be a curse on this diamond, once taken from a statue of the god of the moon adored by a Hindu cult, long sought after by a group of Brahmins determined to return it to their temple.

The diamond mysteriously disappears from Rachel’s bedroom. And the suspicions begin… What secret hangs over this diamond?

Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-114-4 _ English Version _ ePub _ 198,527 words (12 hours 2 minutes) – 1089 pages _ 23/05/2022.

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