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The way we live now


The Way We Live Now _ Originally published in 1875 _ Plus:  Biography of Anthony Trollope.


A variety of sub-plots woven around the central idea that a foreign businessman, Augustus Melmotte, who gains substantial influence because of his wealth. Melmotte has come to prominence in London despite rumors about his past dealings on the Continent. He rises in society and is even put up as a candidate for Parliament, despite a general feeling that he must be a fraudster and liar. He is immensely rich, and his daughter Marie is considered to be a desirable catch for several aristocratic young men in search of a fortune.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-027-7 _ English Version _ ePub _ 358,139 words (21 hours 43 minutes) – 1956 pages _ 17/05/2022.


The way we live now


The Way We Live Now _ Originally published in 1875 _ Plus:  Biography of Anthony Trollope.


A variety of sub-plots woven around the central idea that a foreign businessman, Augustus Melmotte, who gains substantial influence because of his wealth. Melmotte has come to prominence in London despite rumors about his past dealings on the Continent. He rises in society and is even put up as a candidate for Parliament, despite a general feeling that he must be a fraudster and liar. He is immensely rich, and his daughter Marie is considered to be a desirable catch for several aristocratic young men in search of a fortune.


Wuilia Ebooks _ ISBN 978-2-38481-027-7 _ English Version _ ePub _ 358,139 words (21 hours 43 minutes) – 1956 pages _ 17/05/2022.


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